Five New Hotels and Spas Built for Bathing
In the ever-expanding wellness world, one of the latest trends is actually one of the oldest: soaking in, and sometimes drinking, therapeutic waters. In ancient Greece, physicians, including Hippocrates, prescribed mineral-rich baths to treat ...
Why You Can Hear the Temperature of Water
A science video maker in China couldn’t find a good explanation for why hot and cold water sound different, so he did his own research and published it.
Dipping Into the World’s Most Stunning Hot Springs
Some hot springs look like palaces, others like holes in the ground. Some feel like parties, others like prayers. There are hot baths within cities, on remote islands, in the desert, inside thick forests. Thermal water can be green, orange, blue ...
Dipping Into the World’s Most Stunning Hot Springs
Some hot springs look like palaces, others like holes in the ground. Some feel like parties, others like prayers. There are hot baths within cities, on remote islands, in the desert, inside thick forests. Thermal water can be green, orange, blue ...
5 Hot Springs in Iceland That Aren’t the Blue Lagoon
Some say Iceland’s more than 600 geothermal springs are the secret to its citizens’ happiness. Here’s a selection of scenic waters in and around Reykjavik where you can test that theory.