Demetri Martin Confronts the Paradoxes of a Veteran Standup Career
In his new Netflix special, “Demetri Deconstructed,” he tries a more conceptual approach than the simplicity he was known for.
Biden’s Age and Memory: A Pointed Report From the Special Counsel
Readers react to the report, which described the president as a “well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”
Mediano o Grande? An Ice Cream Tour of Mexico City
A guide to five of the capital’s best ice cream parlors, from artisanal storefronts with flavors like prickly pear and blue maize to classic shops where generations have gone for treats.
John Mulaney Punctures His Persona in ‘Baby J’
In his highly anticipated new Netflix special, the comic changes his pace to deliver bristlingly funny material about addiction, rehab and what it means to be likable.
DeSantis Gains Control of Tax Board Overseeing Disney World
The Florida governor had wanted to abolish the resort’s designation as a special tax district. That would have left two counties paying for services like policing.
Best Comedy of 2022
Stand-up specials like “Rothaniel” pushed boundaries this year, and Netflix’s financial setbacks could mean that its dominance in comedy is slowing.